Diploma Courses


Course Name: Clean, Organic and IMO Pig Management Technology

Course code:   PPD 1203

Course unit:    3


Course Description:   The course will highlight all procedures involved in raising clean and organic pigs using the IMO technology



·         To equip participants with knowledge and skills essential for IMO pig management technology


Learning Outcomes:   At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

·         Construct and maintain IMO pig houses

·         Rear pigs under IMO pig management technology


  1. Comparison of IMO technology with conventional pig rearing
  2. Liquid IMO formulation and maintenance (PRIMARY & SECONDARY)
  3. Designing an IMO pig structure
  4. Stocking of the IMO pig house
  5. Litter introduction into the IMO pig house
  6. Introduction of Liquid IMO into the pig house
  7. Litter maintenance in the IMO pig house



·         Final examination                                                  30%

·         Progressive assessment                                          30%

·         Student project/Practical assessment                      40%