Course Name: Clean, Organic and IMO Pig Management Technology
Course code: PPD 1203
Course unit: 3
Course Description: The course will highlight all procedures involved in raising clean and organic pigs using the IMO technology
· To equip participants with knowledge and skills essential for IMO pig management technology
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
· Construct and maintain IMO pig houses
· Rear pigs under IMO pig management technology
- Comparison of IMO technology with conventional pig rearing
- Liquid IMO formulation and maintenance (PRIMARY & SECONDARY)
- Designing an IMO pig structure
- Stocking of the IMO pig house
- Litter introduction into the IMO pig house
- Introduction of Liquid IMO into the pig house
- Litter maintenance in the IMO pig house
· Final examination 30%
· Progressive assessment 30%
· Student project/Practical assessment 40%
- Course creator: BWIRE JOLLY
- Course creator: SOLOMON MUHEKI